Posts Coping up with inferiority complex

Coping up with inferiority complex

Having an Inferiority Complex can have disastrous effects.</p>

A lot of people tend to suffer from inferiority in varying degrees and very few are brave enough to accept this fact.Lets analyze: Do you often compare yourself to others and feel inferior compared to them? Do you intentionally avoid any form of competition because you’re afraid you will lose to others? Are you always afraid to voice your opinions, fearing that others will laugh and ridicule you for it? And in the process avoid socializing or restrict yourself only to a couple of friends. Do you wonder if others have anything good to say about yourself? If yes, then there are high chances that you suffer from Inferiority Complex.</p>

DEFINITION </strong>

Inferiority complex is mainly a psychological condition that finds its roots in childhood and manifests itself into adulthood, if not recognized at an earlier stage. Those who suffer from such a complex constantly belittle themselves and are very sensitive. Feelings of inferiority arise when one feels that he/she is less worthy than a certain group of people or that he/she doesn’t have enough skills in comparison with his/her peers. For e.g. When you see an attractive or a talented person, you feel bad. Deep inside, you wish you can be like them. You’re constantly dissatisfied and blame yourself saying I’m not good enough.</span></span>

Inferiority complex is, The common cold of Psychology. Inferiority Complex is putting oneself down (degrading yourself) for something that you do not possess.This possession could be in terms of abilities and talents and/or materialistic commodities. </p>

CAUSES </strong>

There are several reasons for harboring an inferiority complex, the most common one being, parental attitudes. When parents are very harsh towards their child in terms of criticism and constantly comparing with others, the child begins to feel that he/he is not good enough. There are cases of individuals who have been under-achievers academically and socially brings down their morale and self-worth. Then there are some who are taken for granted by their partners in their relationships, by abusing them and putting them down all the time. Sometimes bad experiences like getting humiliated by ones peers in school or even at work due to mistakes, can make one prone to inferiority complex.
Reasons like social conditioning where winners are looked upon more favorably than those who don’t win, rich people are believed to be superior than the poor, etc. add to the belief that one is superior or inferior as a person according to what he/she achieves and does. So a combination of social factors play a part in the development of the inferiority complex.</p>

EFFECTS </strong>

Having an inferiority complex can have adverse effects on ones personality, relationships and on the professional front too. As for effects on ones personality, there’s a severe lack of self-confidence which could give rise to stuttering, stammering and social isolation. Sometimes it can also give rise to substance abuse in the form of alcoholism, smoking, etc.,  as a negative form of coping, which is more common among men. Women on the other hand, tend to indulge in jealousy, bitterness and pettiness as a form of coping, which is undesirable too. As for relationships, individuals suffering from inferiority complex tend to cower and are always at the mercy of others. They devalue themselves, and believe that they cant do better and wont get better. So they live in physically, emotionally and sexually abusive relationships because they believe that they are worthless that they dont deserve better. They are always submissive and non-confrontational because they think so little of themselves. Thus, they always play second fiddle in their relationships and compromise beyond the limits of their integrity. </span></span>

On the professional front, such individuals never accept challenging roles. They always hide from demanding work. Because they never wish to fail and are petrified of being accountable, they make safe choices. So they run away from taking responsibility, avoid positions of power and/or promotions.</p>

COPING </strong>
</span>It is imperative that one immediately work on their self-esteem to combat feelings of inferiority complex. It is always better to seek professional help to handle such a delicate issue. The first step is to identify the core issues underlying this behavior. Positive thinking and self-talk is crucial.</span>

Following are some tips:
– Learn to focus on your strengths and potentials.
– Make it a point to reward yourself for your achievements.
– Remind yourself that you are worthy of praise and praise yourself.
– Stop placing unrealistic high expectations on yourself.
– Take in enjoyable activities and surround yourself with positive people who like and encourage you to do better.
– Nurture your body with a healthy diet and exercise.
– Be forgiving of yourself when things dont go as planned.

Hope this helps

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