Posts why a developer should not be interrupted while coding?

why a developer should not be interrupted while coding?

Why a developer should not be interrupted while coding?

Here is the small conversation that will explain you

“How long does it take for you to fall asleep?”

“X minutes”

“Now imagine that when you are close to falling asleep, someone walks in and interrupts you, how long will it take you to fall asleep now? Those few seconds you had left, or will you have to start again to ‘sink back’ to where you were?”

“I’ll have to start again”

“Great. Same thing. Just like falling asleep, it takes me a while to ‘sink’ into focus mode, and it takes me a while to get back to it once I’m interrupted, except that I also forget half of what I was doing.”

why a developer should not be interrupted while coding?

Don’t Interrupt

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