Posts Top 10 ways to feel more energised

Top 10 ways to feel more energised

We all want to look and feel our best, but deadlines and errands can take their toll. Fortunately, we can incorporate these little changes inour lives to help us feel alert, energised, and ready to go…

Tune in – Music can affect your physical and mental state, triggering bold dance moves or a trip down memory lane.

Smile – Smiling instantly lifts your mood and the mood of those around you. Keeps the energy positive, helping you feel lighter and happier.

Chat it up – Pick up the phone and start chatting. Talking to an energetic friend can instantly boost your own energy.

Plan an event – Surprise your friends with a dinner or organise a themed birthday party; it’s a great way to get creative. Find fun activities to do and new resturants to try.

Get Moving – A change of environment can help improve your mood instantly. Simply going outside to stretch and breathe the fresh air may be just what you need to relieve stress and clear your mind.

Take up a hobby – Signing up for that Pilates class you’ve been talking about or learning to bake will help take your mind off work.

Sit up straight – If you notice that you start to slouch over your desk at the end of the day, sit up straight. A  healthy posture can help give you confidence to get through the pile of tasks that need attention.

Breathe deeply – When you’re feeling sluggish, try taking slow, deep breaths. It helps improve circulation and brings clarity to your mind.

Lighten you load – sometimes we may try to do more thatn we’re capable of, both professionally and privately. Take the time to look over your to-do list and prioritise. Whitting down the load will give you more energy to spend on other stuff.

Catch some z’s – Nothing feels better than a good night’s sleep. Make an effort to maintain a regular sleep schedule and get continuous, uninterrupted sleep. It’ll help improve your energy, focus, and creativity.

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